Paper Cranes Counseling

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11 Ways to Nurture Your Inner Child

Remember those carefree days of childhood where imagination knew no bounds, and joy was found in the simplest of things (even for a short period of time)? Nurturing your inner child isn't just about reminiscing on good times — it's a vital practice for mental well-being. By reconnecting with the innocence and wonder of your youth, you can infuse more happiness, creativity, and balance into your adult life. Ready to rediscover the magic? Let’s dive into ten ways to nurture your inner child.

  1. Unplug and Play

    When was the last time you played without checking your phone every few minutes? Set aside some digital-free time to engage in playful activities. Whether it’s a board game, a puzzle, or just running around with your pet, playtime is a powerful way to rejuvenate your spirit.

  2. Make a Childhood Bucket List

    Were there things in your childhood that you never got to do, try, or experience? Make a list of these things are take time out of your day to do them at a pace that feels fun for you.

  3. Rediscover Old Hobbies

    Did you love painting, building model cars, or playing an instrument as a kid? Dust off those old hobbies and dive back in. Reconnecting with past interests can bring a sense of continuity and joy that transcends age.

  4. Engage in Creative Outlets

    Give yourself permission to create without the pressure of perfection. Doodle, write a short story, or try your hand at crafting. Engaging in creative activities helps release stress and allows your inner child to express freely.

  5. Take Mindful Moments

    Mindfulness isn't just for adults—it’s a gateway to the pure, unfiltered joy of childhood. Simple practices like deep breathing, guided imagery, or meditation can help you tap into a state of wonder and presence often experienced by children.

  6. Go on Outdoor Adventures

    Remember how a simple walk in the park felt like an adventure? Nature has a way of grounding us and reigniting our sense of wonder. Plan regular outings to your favorite natural spots and let your inner child explore.

  7. Read for Pleasure

    Dive into a good book—not for self-improvement, but purely for pleasure. Escaping into different worlds through literature can reignite your imagination and give you a much-needed mental break.

  8. Cultivate Curiosity

    Curiosity is the fuel of childhood wonder. Ask more questions, explore new topics, and learn something new just for the fun of it. Maintaining a curious mindset keeps life exciting and vibrant.

  9. Embrace Spontaneity

    Life doesn't have to be all plans and schedules. Allow yourself to be spontaneous—whether it’s a last-minute trip, an unplanned outing, or trying something new on a whim. Spontaneity brings a refreshing sense of freedom and excitement.

  10. Express Emotions Freely

    Children are masters at expressing their emotions. Take a page from their book and allow yourself to feel and express emotions without judgment. Whether it’s joy, sadness, or anger, letting your emotions flow freely can be incredibly liberating.

  11. Practice Self-Compassion

    Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you would offer to a child. Practice self-compassion by acknowledging your mistakes without harsh criticism and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small.


Nurturing your inner child is a beautiful journey towards rediscovering joy, creativity, and emotional freedom. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can build a more balanced, happy, and fulfilling existence. Paper Cranes Counseling can help you nurture your inner child by providing tailored therapeutic approaches designed to identify your childhood needs and heal core wounds. So let your inner child out to play. Your adult self will thank you for it.

Further Reading

If you're interested in diving deeper into the practice of nurturing your inner child, here are five books that can guide you on this transformative journey:

  1. "The Inner Child Workbook" by Cathryn L. Taylor

    This book provides practical exercises and insights to help you reconnect with and heal your inner child. It offers a step-by-step approach to address unresolved childhood issues.

  2. "Healing the Child Within" by Charles L. Whitfield

    A comprehensive guide that explores how recovering your inner child can lead to personal transformation and emotional healing.

  3. "Homecoming: Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child" by John Bradshaw

    Bradshaw delves into the concept of the inner child and presents techniques for nurturing and healing this vital part of yourself.

  4. "Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child" by Thich Nhat Hanh

    Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh offers a spiritual perspective on inner child work, combining mindfulness practices with healing techniques.

  5. "Recovery of Your Inner Child" by Lucia Capacchione

    A creative approach to inner child healing, this book includes art therapy techniques and journaling exercises to facilitate emotional recovery and self-discovery.

These books provide invaluable insights and practical tools to help you continue nurturing and reconnecting with your inner child. Happy reading!