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Upcycling Friendships: The Benefits of Reviving and Maintaining Friendships

Photo Credit: Omar Lopez

Friendships are established in many different ways - from the ones we make in kindergarten to those we chat with online, our relationships are an integral part of our daily lives and mental health. But what happens when these friendships drift apart or become strained? Whether it’s because of a misunderstanding, different interests, geographic location or you simply don’t talk as much anymore, this kind of separation may leave one wondering whether the friendship is over or whether they should try to revive it. However, what many people aren't aware of is that it’s possible to upcycle these friendships and get to know the current version of old friends. Upcycling your existing friendships can be a good way to maintain positive mental health and create new opportunities for connection. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of upcycling friendships, why it’s necessary to acknowledge the fluctuation in closeness, and the steps to take to maintain your friendships. Investing time and effort into maintaining long-standing friendships is not only beneficial to your social life but also to your mental well-being.

What is Upcycling and Why Should We Do It with Friendships

Have you ever heard of upcycling? It's a concept that is mostly used to talk about sustainability in our physical environment. Upcycling means giving new life to old items by repurposing them instead of throwing them away. And what better way to do it than with friendships? Upcycling friendships is about intentionally getting to know the current version of old friends and perhaps finding new interests or hobbies to bond over. One reason why it’s helpful to maintain friendships is for mental health reasons. Friends can provide a unique sense of comfort and support to an individual. Maintaining a close connection with our friends can genuinely uplift our mood and provide a much-needed escape from the chaos of life. While it is natural for our friendships to fluctuate in intensity or take a back seat due to external factors such as workloads or family needs, it’s not necessary to let it go altogether.

Over time, friendships may require extra effort to maintain. However, many of these friendships are worth the effort. As we invest time into building and nurturing our friendships, we will begin to see the benefits of having long-term meaningful connections in our lives. So as you catch up with your friend, rekindle those shared experiences that brought you together and focus the interactions on both of you having fun. This could be as simple as going out to a movie, trying new foods or hanging out somewhere that brings you both joy.

Benefits of Reviving and Maintaining Friendships

Having strong and meaningful friendships can bring numerous benefits to our overall well-being. By reviving old friendships, we get a chance to reconnect with people who know us from various points of our lives and share some of our most cherished memories. Maintaining friendships can help reduce stress levels, increase feelings of happiness, and provide a sense of belonging. Upcycling friendships by finding new shared interests or activities can also help us grow as individuals and keep our friendships fresh and exciting. So if you’re looking to improve your quality of life, don't hesitate to reach out and revive, maintain, or upcycle some old friendships. Your mental and emotional health will thank you for it!

Strategies for Rekindling Dormant Friendships

We all have those friends we used to be close with, but for some reason, we lost touch over time. It's easy to let months or even years go by without reaching out, but it's never too late to reconnect. If you find yourself missing your old squad, it's time to consider some strategies for rekindling those connections. Start by reaching out with a friendly message or phone call, asking how they've been and what they've been up to. Plan a virtual coffee chat or a bunch date to catch up on each other's lives. Another idea is to plan a fun activity or outing to do together, whether it's a hike, trying out a new restaurant, or attending a concert. If distance is a barrier, technology can help us bridge the gap with video chats or game nights. Don't be afraid to initiate the conversation and put in the effort to maintain the friendship. Your dormant friend may be feeling the same way and be grateful for your outreach. With a little effort and a lot of love, you can revive those old friendships and create new memories together that remind you why you formed a friendship in the first place.

Tips for Keeping Up with Mutual Friends Across Different Locations

Staying in touch with mutual friends across different locations can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. One tip to keep connected is to schedule virtual hangouts as setting up a time to catch up with friends can make all the difference. Another idea is to create a group chat where everyone can stay up to date with each other's lives, share funny memes, and plan future trips to see each other. Finally, make an effort to reach out to individual friends on a regular basis. A quick text, voice note, or phone call to check in can go a long way in maintaining friendships despite distance. With these tips, you can continue to enjoy the company of your mutual friends, no matter where in the world they may be.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room

As you plan to upcycle your friendship, the critical first step is to acknowledge the fluctuation in closeness and address any intentional reasons for distance. Life happens - sometimes people get caught up in things that require them to be away for extended periods, other times people require space and solitude to figure out if friendship paths still align. It doesn't mean that the friendship is over. When you encounter those moments of distance, remind yourself that it could just be a phase, and it’s possible to reconnect with that friend but it may be in a different manner than before. It’s helpful to understand the importance of communication when reviving friendships. Make a conscious effort to keep in contact at a pace that feels doable for all parties involved. This could be virtual or in-person, depending on your location. Remember that friendships are a two-way street, and if you're trying to revive the friendship, it’s essential to allow your friend to have a say in when and how to reconnect. Be open-minded and flexible in your approach as everyone communicates differently and has different expectations, capacity, and boundaries.

How to Strengthen Existing Relationships Using Social Media

Social media offer us endless opportunities to strengthen our existing relationships. Whether it's staying in touch with friends who live far away or networking with colleagues in our industry, social media is an invaluable tool for maintaining connections. The key to using social media to strengthen relationships is to be proactive and engage regularly with those you want to stay connected to. Follow them on various platforms, share and comment on their posts, and reach out via direct message or email to catch up and offer support. By taking these simple steps, you'll not only strengthen your relationships but also make your online presence more meaningful and engaging. So, go ahead and use the power of social media to deepen your connections!

Ultimately, all relationships require maturity, effort and dedication to maintain. Positive friendships can bring much joy, comfort and a sense of belonging into our lives. Why not take the time to rekindle old connections or strengthen existing ones? Try out some of the strategies we discussed, reach out to dormant friends, keep up with mutual friends across different locations, and expand your social circle by upcycling friendships! By making an effort to care for your friendships and check in on those you’ve lost touch with, it’s possible to reap happiness by investing in meaningful relationships that will provide immeasurable value. Take the time to maintain friendships and relationships because prioritizing your mental wellbeing is always important! For additional help and support in cultivating and nurturing long-standing relationships, contact Paper Cranes Counseling for a free consultation.

Shavonne James, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Therapist and founder of Paper Cranes Counseling, a private group practice connecting wellness seekers with culturally-affirming, holistic, care. They have openings for individuals that are working through matters of identity, interpersonal relationships, and the inner child. Contact them at