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How to Claim Your Personal Freedom

Photo Credit: Tamarcus Brown

Do you ever feel limited and inhibited by the expectations of others? Do you find yourself struggling to decide between what would make others around you happy versus making decisions that honor your own internal values and needs? As humans, it is understandable to want approval from people in our lives. The issue arises when we forget to express our individualistic desires in favor of pleasing someone else. We sacrifice autonomy over ourselves – allowing outside forces to dictate who we are and how we live- at the expense of stifling our authentic selves. Personal freedom is a state whereby one can look inwardly rather than outwardly for guidance; ultimately, living life true to oneself without compromise or societal pressures. Understandably, this quest requires an honest assessment and exploration – including discovering hidden barriers that might be standing in one’s way.

What is Personal Freedom?

Personal freedom can mean different things to different people. For some, it may be the ability to pursue their passions without any constraints, while for others, it may be the power to make their own choices and decisions. Gaining a sense of personal freedom involves separating from external factors that hinder our growth and potential, such as societal norms, self-critical mindsets, and judgments. True personal freedom comes from within and requires a willingness to tolerate the discomfort of not upholding the expectations of others, when they don’t align with our values, and paving the way for our own unique journey. It allows us to express ourselves and explore different aspects of life, creating a sense of purpose and belonging. Without it, we likely feel held hostage others - helpless and trapped.

What it Means to Claim Personal Freedom

Our families or society as a whole may place certain norms and expectations on us, but personal freedom means having the courage to challenge those norms and to forge our own path. It's about being accountable for our choices and embracing the consequences that come with them. When we claim personal freedom, we experience a sense of liberation, clarity, and empowerment that allows us to live our life to the fullest. It enables us to explore our individuality and discover our purpose, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic existence.

Benefits of the Personal Freedom Journey

Claiming and maintaining personal freedom comes with several benefits that can enhance our lives and improve our well-being. When we have personal freedom, we take a more active role in our lives. It encourages us to take risks and pursue our dreams without being held back by external forces. It means we can choose who we want to be, and how we want to live. Personal freedom also allows us to express ourselves freely, and share our thoughts and opinions regardless of any fear of judgment. Overall, personal freedom gives us the power to live life on our terms. Embracing our personal choices also leads to improved self-esteem and self-worth, giving us the confidence to make bold decisions and pursue what truly makes us happy. And with that comes a greater sense of satisfaction with life, as we have the power to shape their own path and live according to our own values and desires. Allowing ourselves the freedom to make choices and live life on our terms can be a transformative experience, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Strategies for Claiming and Maintaining Personal Freedom

One strategy to consider is identifying our values, goals, and passions and using them as a guide for decision-making. Surrounding ourselves with supportive people can also help create an environment conducive to personal freedom. Additionally, taking calculated risks and stepping out of our comfort zone can help break free from limiting beliefs and embrace new opportunities. By getting into the practice of making choices - both big and small - that help give more definition of who we are and what we stand for, we experience a feeling of being empowered and of knowing that we can achieve the things we set our mind to. Remember, personal freedom is not a destination but a continuous journey that requires regular introspection and action to fully realize.

Give Permission to Enjoy the Journey and Celebrate Small Victories

Life is full of destinations and, in our rush to reach certain milestones, we often forget about the journey itself. The journey is where we grow and learn and make memories. Giving ourselves permission to enjoy the journey means we savor every moment, even the challenging ones, knowing that they are all leading us to something greater. Whether it's resisting the urge to give in to old habits, taking time to prioritize our passions, or simply holding our ground against self-deprecating commentary, each victory deserves mental celebration. So let’s give pause, in this moment, to give ourselves credit for any progress we've made thus far in our journey - even taking the time to read this blog! Every step forward is a step closer to the freedom we desire.

Obstacles That Stand in the Way of Attaining Personal Freedom

External factors such as familial or societal expectations and limitations can hinder our ability to fully express ourselves and live life in a way that feels authentic. Additionally, internal obstacles such as fear, self-doubt, and insecurity can also stand in the way of personal freedom. Overcoming these obstacles takes time, effort, and often involves stepping outside of our comfort zone. Yet, the rewards of attaining personal freedom are immeasurable, providing individuals with a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It is important to recognize these obstacles and work towards breaking free from them in order to live a life that is true to ourselves.

Signs That an Individual is Living with a Sense of Personal Freedom

Personal freedom can manifest in a variety of ways, but there are certain signs that indicate an individual is truly free. Perhaps the most obvious sign of freedom is the ability to be oneself without, or despite, fear of judgment or persecution. People who are free don’t allow any fear of expressing their opinions, interests, and quirks keep them from doing so even if they go against societal norms. Another sign of freedom is the ability to make choices and take risks. Free individuals are not confined by a fear of failure or rejection, and they are willing to try new things and pursue their passions. Finally, free people tend to have a sense of inner peace and contentment. They are not driven by external pressures or expectations, but rather by their own sense of purpose and meaning in life. Overall, a free person is someone who lives authentically, follows their passions, and is happy with who they are.

Personal freedom is about embracing who we are, understanding our goals and potential, and giving ourselef permission to strive for those things. Therapy can be a great start toward claiming personal freedom as it provides not only the guidance you need to create your own actionable plan, but also the insight needed to break free of limiting beliefs. You must also give yourself permission to enjoy the journey that accompanies pursuing personal freedom, celebrating your successes however small they may be. Taking control over the narrative of your life will empower you as it puts you in charge of creating something meaningful for yourself. If you desire more personal freedom in your life then begin taking small steps every day and notice when you start achieving those goals. If at any point along the way you need additional support or guidance then contact Paper Cranes Counseling today for a free consultation so we can help support your journey towards rediscovering the fullest version of yourself.

Shavonne James, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Therapist and founder of Paper Cranes Counseling, a private group practice connecting wellness seekers with culturally-affirming, holistic, care. They have openings for individuals that are working through matters of identity, interpersonal relationships, and the inner child. Contact them at